
Simple face: a red and black circle, diagonally divided, with a white border around it and white square-ish eyes, mouth and cheeks. The brightness of the colors is lowered to resemble the Disability Pride flag.

Andrew, bilingual disabled socialist who can easily imagine the end of the world or the end of capitalism. Feminism is for everyone. He/him.


Old school 88-by-31 button. There is an icon of the letter “N” stepping over a horizon with a night sky behind it. “Nothing Personal” is written in a squarish, pixelated font. “Now!” is written in bold italics underneath. There is a letter “O” surrounded by parts of “N” and “P” of a “NOPE” logo, which also makes it look like “101”, on a diagonal ribbon in the corner.

This blog is made with Hugo, Inkscape, Kate and Krita. I don’t share the Hugo theme because it’s tailored to my needs and nothing more. But feel free to use anything, it’s all Public domain.


Reach out on Mastodon or with this QR code for Delta Chat. The address from it will work for a regular email, too.

I have some stuff on CodeBerg and CodePen.

There is also uses page for what I stare at most of the time, and Game log for games I have finished.